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Experiencing Across the Realms

Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.

Isaiah 12:6

In our world, it seems that we’re not allowed to be proud of our relationship with God. People love to celebrate the secular in grand and disproportionate ways. For example, we often throw monumental birthday parties when our children turn 16, and yet we offer no formal celebration if they become saved through Jesus? If you do choose to advertise your religion more strongly, people are quick to call you an “extremist” and say that you’re taking things “too far.”

What an unfortunate reality to deal with. Nothing on this planet can compare to the glory of God, and yet we’re at risk of being ostracized by family, friends and colleagues if we take our salvation “too seriously.” This shouldn’t be too surprising, however. Our world is full of evil and sin. Satan uses this to his advantage. He tries to force ill feelings on us about sharing our faith with

others. After all, the more people that we recruit for Christ, the fewer he gets to keep for himself.

You should never be afraid to fully display your faith, even when those around you do not agree with it. At the very least, your dedication to Jesus will be recognized. In some cases, seeing another person support Christ so passionately will spark curiosity in nonbelievers and encourage them to start asking questions.

Today, don’t be afraid to show your joy across realms. The grace of God that makes your spirit happy can be praised in the flesh too. Show the world your favor for Christ and He will show his favor for you in front of the Father.

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