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Everyday Faith

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7

For many people, it’s comfortable to separate their lives into compartments. We divide our week accordingly, and in the process, we may use different aspects of ourselves and our personality to match with the occasion. As a Christian, this

can be a mistake. We’re all guilty of making small blunders, such as letting our thoughts wander during a sermon. “What am I going to have for lunch when I leave?” is an all too common thought. Thinking of our next meal is only human, but it’s also taking away from time that belongs to the Father. Unfortunately, sometimes the hour-long visit on Sunday morning is the only time God takes precedence. Everyday faith is something that is very important to have. By constantly placing our emphasis on God, we’ll be able to expand and modify our faith to new levels. In addition, this light to the world may be the only example of God’s love that some people will see. As Christians, we want to expand the Kingdom of our Father and teach others about the true meaning of love. That is certainly hard to do if you don’t show the touch of the Spirit in your everyday life. Today, pray for immersion from the Holy Spirit. Whether you’re at school, work or home, use the same attitude and joy you have on Sunday morning and let others see the light that shines from you; it is the everyday faith that builds us up the strongest. Be a beacon of light every day of the week, not just on Sunday.

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