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Equal in God's Eyes

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28

In this verse, Paul claims that race, social class and gender are abolished when we come together in Christ. Paul’s audience at the time in the Greco-Roman world would have looked around them and observed that this isn’t true, expect in Utopia. These three social structures did and do exist, at least physically. This verse continues the conversation that all Christians are “sons of God.” When standing before God, we’re all equal.

Paul is commenting on the fact that no outward form can secure the blessings of the Lord, and that Christ doesn’t put one person on a pedestal above another. In baptism, we profess to be Christ’s disciples—a new birth that saves all in the same way. While many Christians accept this as the truth, it can be difficult to think this way in our daily lives. Social structures do exist in our world, although modern society is taking steps to abolish them.

Distinctions of race, class and gender are at odds with true Christianity. While we may see barriers that separate us, God doesn’t. As Christians, we must see others the way God does and do our best to erase the lines drawn in the sand. Paul teaches that everyone becomes Christians in the same terms, with religious privileges on the same level. God shows no special favor to one over the other in the matter of salvation.

It can be difficult for us to see people through God’s eyes. For some of us, it will remain an ongoing struggle. Today, make an effort to take Paul’s words seriously. Christian fellowship bonds us all together and lifts us up equally. The Gospel breaks down walls of separation and crosses all boundaries.

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