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Envisioning Heaven

At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Revelation 4:2-3

No one on Earth is certain what Heaven is like, but there’s no denying that it’s a thrilling and wonderful place. The verses that describe it can only hint at the glory that’s in store for us. This place is not only where God dwells (Psalm 33:13), but where Christ is today (Acts 1:11), and where Christians will go when they die. Although we can’t hope to truly comprehend the glory of such a place, we can examine the scriptures and get some vague ideas about what it will look like. In Revelation, we read that the very streets are paved with gold. Walls are created from jewels and the gates themselves are crafted from pearl. Since it is a city built by God and not man, we can also imagine how absolutely perfect it would be. Envision a city with no crime. No pollution or potholes or trash in the street. Because we only know of the tarnished cities that humans build, it’s almost impossible to imagine the pristine condition of Heaven. Even more important than the physical appearance is how our lives will be once we’re admitted. There will never again be reason for tears or suffering. After all, in a perfect world, there is no pain. We will not have to deal with sorrow or regret. We’ll also be free from all the physical agony this life can bring us. No cancer or heart attacks or Alzheimer’s disease. Only happiness and the love of Christ. Today, take some time to think about what Heaven has waiting for us. Spend moments in prayer and allow yourself to get excited about what your future holds when you enter the Kingdom of the Lord. Consider how you can share that eagerness with those around you, too.

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