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Embracing Strangers

Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you.

3 John 5

very day, we all encounter strangers. They could be the people with whom you share public transit, the coworker you haven’t yet met or the person at the next lunch table. A stranger could be someone you recognize but are hesitant to talk to because you feel you have nothing in common.

It’s natural to feel hesitant around people we don’t know. In fact, most of us grew up hearing, “Don’t talk to strangers.” As we grow older however, a stranger often becomes a new person to whom we can reach out. In today’s verse, John extols Christians who embraced new believers in their church— even though these people were unfamiliar.

You don’t have to approach every new person to reach out effectively. Start with one person, perhaps the visitor who sits alone at church or the classmate who’s struggling with certain parts of the material. Offer a kind word or a service, such as help studying or working on an assignment. Ask the other person about him or herself. Ask about enjoyable activities and thoughts about your church, school or workplace. As you get to know one person, expand the friendship and include other new people.

If a stranger is a nonbeliever and you want to tell him or her about Jesus, strike up a friendship. Don’t try to explain the Gospel in your first meeting, but bring up faith naturally. Ask what he or she thinks about God, suffering, good and evil,

Jesus and other common faith issues. If a nonbeliever has a physical need you

can meet, don’t hesitate. Serving him or her physically will open the door to Gospel-centered discussions.

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