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Doubt and Relief

But [Thomas] said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”

John 20:24b

When most Christians read the story surrounding today’s verse, they do it with the goal of teaching listeners not to be a “doubting Thomas.” A close reading of the text, however, reveals Jesus did not condemn Thomas’ doubts. He simply asked him to stop doubting and believe. Thomas was blessed for his belief, and his name is still popular among Christians today. He shares it with such paragons as philosopher Thomas Aquinas.

If the point of Thomas’ story isn’t, “Don’t be like this person,” then what is it? Jesus’ willingness to let Thomas see physical evidence of His crucifixion, as well as His admonition not to be afraid, can show us the answer.

Christians are asked to accept many things on faith—that Jesus was a real person, that He died and rose again, and that He is present in everyday life. Sometimes though, we need evidence of Him that we can see and touch. Sometimes we condemn non-Christians because they ask for evidence like this, forgetting that at one time we had no more faith than they do.

Remember that every person is different, so every potential Christian is different. Some will gladly accept your testimony on faith alone. Others, like Thomas, are of a more practical and intellectual bent. They will want practical evidence.

You can’t physically show them Jesus’ scars, but you can and should tell them what He has done in your life. If you have physical evidence that aligns with any of your stories, show this as well. If you allow people to see, they are more likely to believe and rejoice.

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