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Do Good Works

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

You are God’s handiwork. Take a moment and let that sink in. Too often, we dismiss ourselves as weak, inferior or less-than. In a competitive world, it’s easy to feel useless or unimportant. Never forget the remarkable truth of what we are. We are first, foremost and forever the work of God’s hands. His presence shines in everything we do. He created us to do good in our time on Earth and to be Christ-like in our actions.

If doing good works feels like a tall order to fill, it’s because it is. God expects a lot from us, but He also knows how much we can bear. We can’t be ideal disciples at all times, no matter how hard we try. God understands this and wants us to do our best. We work downwards from salvation because we already have it. We don’t work up toward salvation. The “good works” we do are the consequence of salvation, not the cause.

Our thoughts form the basis of our behaviors. Thus, we must begin our good works starting with our own minds, focusing our thoughts on the truths of Scripture. We receive new life to do everything that is “lovely and of good report,” in the words of the Apostle Paul. Take today’s verse as a reminder that God created us in His image and expects us to honor Him through good works.

If you don’t know where to begin to do good works, start with a local nonprofit organization. Nonprofits work to feed the hungry, cloth the naked and uplift those in desperate need of assistance. Take pride in being God’s handiwork, and show Him your devotion by doing the good things He created you to do.

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