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Deborah’s Leadership

[Deborah] sent for Barak ... and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: Go, take with you ten thousand men ... I will lead Sisera ... to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.”

Judges 4:67

Deborah was the only female judge in all Israel, and many scholars have wondered why God chose her without appointing other female judges. Some Christians read Deborah’s story and conclude that women are rarely called to lead or should not lead at all. Others assume that Deborah was chosen to lead only because the men around her were weak; if they had not been, God would not have called on her.

In reality, God chose Deborah on purpose, not as an alternative or substitute. He gave her tremendous gifts, including the ability to prophesy, and blessed her leadership. All Christians, especially women, can and should look to her as an example. Deborah lived in a time when it was indeed rare for women to lead or be prophets, and so she was probably frightened or confused when God spoke to her. She probably doubted her abilities and might have asked God to choose someone else. Still, she consistently trusted God, obeyed His commands, and delivered His messages to others.

Maybe you can relate to Deborah today, whether you are a man or a woman. Leadership is difficult, and you may not feel ready. However, if God has chosen you, it’s because you have the abilities necessary, and He knows you will obey His commands. Ask Him to teach you how to lead, and then follow Him in all your decisions. You may not save a nation as Deborah did, but you will win the respect of the people under your supervision. You will also help your family, your company and others around you accomplish great things.

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