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Death of an Unsaved Love One

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

For Christians, death is not only the end of earthly life, but also the beginning of eternal life. Most Christians draw hope from the promise of Heaven and eternal life, even in the throes of deep grief. However, what if you have lost a loved one who was unsaved or know someone who died unsaved? Many Christians wonder if there is comfort or grace in the death of the unsaved and if yes, where to find it.

The first part of finding comfort in such a death involves acknowledging the truth of the Bible and the truth of how you feel. If a loved one dies unsaved, the implication is Christians will not see them again in eternity. The Bible also implies Heaven is a place where we will not mourn or weep. Therefore, it can be inferred we won’t miss our unsaved loved ones.

Most Christians have a hard time wrapping their minds around these truths. They are difficult, perhaps offensive. How, we wonder, could we go to Heaven and never miss someone who isn’t there, nor think about him or her again? If this thought makes you sad or angry, it’s healthy to acknowledge that. Let God see all your feelings, including the unpleasant ones. He knows them anyway, but He wants to hear them from you.

However, remember that one day you will understand the destiny of your unsaved loved one, as well as your own and why they had to be different. Until that time, pour out your heart as much as you need. Ask God to remind you of His goodness, His perfect love and justice. Trust that when you can’t understand eternity, He does and will one day reveal everything to you.

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