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Dealing with Anger Issues

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

James 1:19

Anger is probably the toughest emotion to control. How can we obey the instructions of today’s verse and set an example for our kids when listening carefully and thinking before speaking doesn’t come naturally? Here are some ways to do so in your own life and show your children how to do it, too.

•Set an example. If your kids see you raging over little things, they’ll learn this is a proper response. Know your triggers. Understand what sets you off and work on dealing with it.

Watch your mouth. Avoid cursing or using slurs when angry. If you do, apologize immediately if your kids hear you.

Confront the real problem. Are you really angry at the situation or person, or is something else bothering you?

If your words or actions hurt someone, be willing to apologize and ask forgiveness

Avoid perpetually angry people. Try responding positively. If that doesn’t work, walk away.

Journal about what makes you angry. Often, writing down your feelings diffuses them.

Designate “safe people” to talk to about anger. For a child, this could be a parent, teacher, Sunday school leader or pastor.

Study what “righteous anger” means. Teach yourself and your children situations when it’s okay to be angry.

Control your actions. Never allow yourself or your child to hit or hurt another person or a pet in anger

Watch caffeine and junk food. They can release hormones that can play havoc with emotions.

Sleep well. Angry outbursts often happen when we’re tired or cranky. Teach children good ways to express anger. These can include writing down letters, going to a protest or boycotting a product. Exercise regularly. It clears your head and releases endorphins. Designate a “chill-out area.” Visit this place when the need to cool down comes, and teach your children to do the same.

P r a y . God listens better than anyone else does, and He can help you find lasting solutions.

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