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Cultivating Heavenly Mindedness

Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:45-46

Pearls are highly unique stones. They’re the only stones that are purely organic and the only ones whose quality can be determined without a jeweler’s loupe. Many people associate pearls with purity, modesty and of course, Heaven. Jesus makes the same comparison in today’s verse.

Jesus’ parables were often confusing to His listeners, but He’s always clear about the kingdom of Heaven. He describes it as the ultimate goal for believers, cautioning them to build up heavenly treasures instead of focusing on earthly gain. Throughout the New Testament, other authors drive home this truth. For example, Paul reminds us that although Heaven is unseen, it’s eternal and worthy of our constant attention.

Most Christians want to be heavenly minded, yet find the prospect daunting. Some wonder if focusing on Heaven means neglecting one’s earthly life or looking forward to death. While believers do feel “homesick” for Heaven, constantly focusing on death doesn’t lead to heavenly mindedness. It’s also not necessary to shut out life on Earth.

Heavenly-minded Christians have several key traits. First, they know that cultivating an eternal perspective takes time. Even longtime believers will never have this perspective all the time on Earth. However, heavenly minded Christians seek

God every day, asking Him to teach them more about His will, which ultimately includes Heaven.

Maintaining an eternal perspective also means remembering earthly circumstances are temporary. Difficult circumstances are a natural part of living in a fallen world. Similarly, joyous circumstances become more so when we recall that earthly happiness is only a shadow of the joy we’ll live out in Heaven.

Ask God to help you become more heavenly minded today. Seek to treat Heaven as a pearl of great price in your life.

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