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Covenant Friendship

And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.

1 Samuel 18:3

David and Jonathan are a wonderful example of friendship. In today’s world, friendships can change almost as quickly as they are formed. A teenage girl or boy’s best friend today may be his or her worst enemy tomorrow. A coworker you thought you could trust might betray you. You might get offended at something

an online friend says and decide to block him or her. This is not the kind of friendship God designed. His desire is for Christians to form lasting and

covenantal friendships.

Jonathan’s friendship with David was so strong because he “loved David as himself.” The Bible tells us how Jonathan took great personal risk to keep his father Saul from killing David. It points out many times how the two were as close as brothers. In fact, long after David became king, he sought out living members of Jonathan’s household to show them honor, perhaps to repay Jonathan for his unwavering loyalty.

Your friends probably won’t have the opportunity to save you from being killed. You also probably won’t feel as close to every friend as David did to Jonathan. However, you can seek out covenantal friendships and cultivate them. Look for friends who share your beliefs and values and will help you grow in faith. Seek people who have the same interests so you can build common ground.

Additionally, remember that covenantal friendship is meant to last. In other words, don’t turn your back on a friend if he or she offends you. Instead, work out the issue together. If your friend is engaging in sinful behavior, pray diligently and speak to him or her in love. Love this person as yourself, and allow yourself to be loved in return.

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