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Come Out of Hiding

He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was

naked, so I hid." Genesis 3:10

Today’s verse is one of the most oft-quoted parts of Genesis 3. The chapter explains the entrance of sin into the world and the downfall of humanity. Be careful not to rush past the dialogue between Adam and God. God seeks Adam out in the Garden of Eden to spend time with him, but Adam’s sin has made

him afraid of God. How awful must Adam have felt at that moment? We know up to then he and Eve enjoyed a perfect relationship with their Creator. It’s joyous to picture the three of them walking and talking in Eden together, and it’s amazing to think

these first two people had full access to God every day. They could talk to Him about anything and ask any question. Yet their sin shattered that intimacy, partially because it made them afraid to approach God.

Often, we do the same thing. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we know, unlike Adam and Eve, our sins are already forgiven. There is nothing we can do that would make God love us any less or turn away from us. Still, we hide from Him when we sin. This isn’t physical hiding. God’s eyes are everywhere. Our hiding may look like avoiding prayer or Bible study, not going to church or simply putting thoughts of God from our minds because of our shame. God does not want us to drown in shame. He wants to cover our shame with forgiveness, as He covered Adam and Eve with the first clothing. Whenever you sin, run straight to God instead of away from him. Repent and enjoy forgiveness.

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