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Combating Worry

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:27

Jesus’ question reminds us how futile worry is. Most Christians believe worry is sinful, because it reflects a lack of trust in God. Yet worrying is a difficult habit to break. Most of us do it without thinking, and it’s easy to worry about many things at once. Additionally, we sometimes think if we don’t worry about someone or something, it means we don’t care.

Be careful not to confuse worry with genuine concern. Jesus doesn’t say, “Don’t be concerned about your loved ones or neighbors.” Many Bible passages encourage us to show compassion to others, speak truth to them in love and carry each other’s burdens. All these attitudes further God’s kingdom and lift up other people.

Worry, on the other hand, accomplishes nothing. Constantly thinking about negative things that might happen wastes energy you could be using to affect change. Excessive worry can lead to physical and emotional symptoms, such as anxiety attacks.

Some people are natural worriers; if you’re one, there are ways to deal with it. The next time you catch yourself worrying endlessly, try these tips:

  • Pray specifically, aloud if possible.

  • Do something physical related to your worry. Are you worried about a tough work assignment? Email your supervisor with questions.

  • List three to five things you are grateful for or that bring you joy.

  • Sing a praise song, hymn or other positive song. Good lyrics leave no room for worries.

  • If you have full-blown anxiety, seek help from a Christian counselor.

  • Go outside. Fresh air helps remind us how big the world is and how God looks after it all.

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