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City in the Clouds? Where is Heaven?

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14

You must be fully prepared when moving to a new home. You have to know your new address and how to get there from your current home. It would be impossible to arrive safely if you didn’t know the location of your new house, but that’s precisely what Christians deal with when considering their future in Heaven. Believers face the question every day: “Where is Heaven?” Some people point to Scripture, like Psalm 48:2. In previous versions of the Bible, it has been translated with the phrase, “the joy of the whole Earth is ... on the sides of the north.” Could this be a sign about Heaven’s location? Possibly. The Word doesn’t specify exactly where this Kingdom lies. Many Christians also argue whether or not Heaven is a physical location in the world. Enoch and Elijah, for example, ascended in literal bodies to a new place that’s no less real than your own hometown. It’s exciting

to think about what Heaven has in store for us—even if we’re not certain about

the specifics. Regardless of where it is, the city is full of God’s glory. Jesus has gone to prepare it for us and ready all the wonders mentioned in the Scripture. We’ll have understanding and knowledge beyond our current comprehension. We’ll become closer to Christ than ever before and live without sorrow, pain or regret. Today, remember to thank Jesus for the home that you’re inheriting in the afterlife. He gave his life on the cross so that we could become citizens of this utopia ... wherever it may be.

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