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Caring for Your Temple

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Most Christians think of honoring God as a spiritual pursuit. When asked to name things that honor God, they might bring up going to church, reading their Bibles, participating in charitable activities or avoiding certain sins. However, you can and should honor God with your body as well. It’s true that your body will pass away one day, but in the meantime, God has given it to you to use. He wants you to use it well and keep it healthy.

How do you honor God with your body? Again, most Christians are familiar with some basics such as eating healthy food and exercising. God approves of these, but remember He’s concerned about your whole body—limbs, muscles, heart, brain and more. He wants you to treat each part as well as you can every day. Here are several key ways to honor God with your body.

  • Get enough sleep. Sleep refreshes you so you can enjoy God’s world and do what He calls you to do.

  • Work hard, but take breaks often. Do all things in moderation.

  • Exercise to feel and look healthy, not to attain someone else’s attractiveness standard.

  • Eat healthy. Indulge in treats occasionally, but do not rely on them for sustenance.

  • Keep yourself sexually pure. Wait for marriage if you are single. If you have already been active, make a new purity commitment with your partner.

  • Fill your mind with the things God approves of. Avoid entertainment that revolves around sinful behavior.

  • When you do get sick, follow doctors’ orders. Let medicine, rest, and good food get you healthy again.

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