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Caring for Animals

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel Proverbs 12:10 These days, there is plenty of conversation and controversy surrounding animals. Many people make a distinction between animal welfare and animal rights, stating that since animals cannot reason as humans do, they do not have rights. Others are passionate about animal rights. Some refuse to consume meat or all animal products such as milk and eggs. Some eschew wearing leather or fur. Some people have many pets and treat them as children. The Bible doesn’t say much explicitly about how to treat animals, but today’s verse gives us a clue. God calls people who care for animals “righteous,” indicating that He considers animal cruelty sinful. Elsewhere in the Bible, He carefully creates all animals. In the Gospels, Jesus tells the Pharisees that a righteous man will pull his donkey from a well on the Sabbath; therefore, people should be able to seek healing on the Sabbath as well. God does not tell us to treat animals the same as humans. Actually, this would dishonor our position as the only creations made in God’s image. In some cases, it can cross into animal worship, which God makes clear is wrong in Exodus 32, the story of the golden calf, and elsewhere. No person or animal should ever be put in God’s place. That said, God does expect us to be good stewards of the animals we have been given, pets and otherwise. If we do choose to eat and use animal products, we are to do so out of necessity, not sport. We are to respect and be compassionate toward the animals in our care and make sure their needs are met. If you have a pet or simply love animals, spend time with them today. Thank God for these unique creations and the roles they play in our lives.

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