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Building Trust With Consistency

Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No”; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37

To be considered trustworthy is one of the highest praises a person can receive. All relationships, whether with business partners, friends, family or romantic interests, are built on a foundation of trust. The reason we value trust so much is that it is not immediately given. Under certain circumstances, a connection may begin with a bit of a head start (such as meeting through mutual friends), but even this can only go so far. There comes a point when any progression toward trust must be earned. Even once it is established, trust is not guaranteed. It is durable, yes, but a single moment of betrayal can cause it all to crumble. One mistake is all it takes. After trust is betrayed, it can take an immense amount of time and effort to rebuild. In some cases, there is no recovering from broken trust. That is why it is so important to stand by your word and your decisions, especially as a Christian. We’re called to lead lives like Jesus, and that certainly doesn’t involve telling lies or betraying those who count on us. To make it easier to support your own decisions, make sure you give prayer in every question. Choose based on what God wants you to do, especially if it’s contradicting your own feelings. Today, remember that trust is more precious than gold or silver. It cannot be bought, only earned with time and dedication. God always keeps His word, and if we wish to be like Him and bring people to Christ, then we must do the same.

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