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Building a Home That Will Last, Part 2

You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress; a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall... Isaiah 25:4

Once your foundation is established through the Holy Spirit, what is the next step in building your spiritual home? You must frame your walls. This is a very important step for the final look and strength of a house, and it is vital for your spirit as well. Literal homes use wooden boards, but you need to shape yourself by reading

the Scripture. The Bible provides a living word to help us grow. It changes each time we read it, calling out to us in different ways and offering constant guidance. The more you learn about God’s teaching and the history of Jesus, the easier it is for you to stay strong in your faith. When choosing a frame for a physical house, you want to select materials that will last. Likewise, it’s crucial that you remain diligent and spend time in the Bible to keep your spiritual substructure from deteriorating. After the walls comes the roof. For a Christian, we should cover our lives in prayer. We’re instructed multiple times throughout the Bible to pray about everything and to do so without ceasing. When your life is formed under the cover of prayer, it is infinitely easier to keep out the weather, or impure thoughts and behaviors. Finally, the walls and interior must be finished. We do this by building our testimony and offering an atmosphere of acceptance and love. You see, our spiritual abodes are not only meant to protect us, but also to draw other people to the grace of God when they experience that safety firsthand. Today, check your frame, roof and walls. Each of them must work with the others and be maintained through an active relationship with Christ.

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