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Building a Home That Will Last, Part 1

So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic. Isaiah 28:17

There are three basic needs that must be met for our flesh to survive. We require food, water and shelter. These homes are an important part of keeping us safe, and are the only way we can survive spread across all regions of the Earth. We know the right materials and techniques must be used if we’re to have homes that are sturdy and worth living in. The same is true for our spiritual homes: Without a proper foundation and structure, they are likely to crumble. When building a home, the first step is to prepare the foundation. You must clear away the rocks and trees to reach the level ground. Then, the surface must be tightly packed to support the weight of the structure. This is the same concept Jesus uses to cleanse our souls when we are born again. He clears away the broken feelings and impure thoughts to dig down to our bare souls. Then He washes our souls clean and prepares them to hold grace. After all the preparation, the foundation is laid. In homes, this structure is usually concrete or cinder blocks – strong materials that do not rot or yield to other forces. In our spiritual lives, the foundation is the Holy Spirit. It enters our hearts and creates a new desire for holiness. On this, we build the rest of our soul. Today, check the condition of your spiritual foundation. Are there weeds and rocks trying to overshadow it? If so, clear away what is unnecessary, so your basis in God can stand strong.

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