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Bringingour Problems to God

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Psalm 55:22

Talking to figures of authority can be quite nerve-wracking. Usually it’s someone like a boss or a principal—someone who has direct jurisdiction over you and who is entitled to make decisions to change your life. This sort of power makes them seem intimidating, but it also changes the way that we interact with them. Many times, we’ll hide details or even blatantly lie to them because we fear repercussions. Ironically, God is the one with the most power and is still the one that we should trust the most and be the most willing to communicate with.

You see, there is nothing that we cannot come to God with. He orchestrates the entire universe, but He also cares for every feather on a sparrow. No problem is too big or too small to reach for His help. There’s also nothing that we can do to make Him lose favor with us. He is the very definition of love, and He cares more about His children than anything else. So long as we believe in Him and in the sacrifice of His son Jesus, no deeds of the world can cause Him to stop loving us.

The Lord already knows our most intimate dreams and thoughts. He is fully aware of the situation, so there’s no need to drum up an explanation when we are talking to Him. He knows every side and every detail, even before it plays out in our lives.

Today, don’t be afraid to talk to the “boss.” He wants a relationship with you. He’s always willing to hear your problems and to help you solve them.

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