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Blessed Are the Meek

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret.

Matthew 6:3-4

The Bible gives us plenty of guidelines for how to be better Christians, if we’re open to hearing them. Today’s verse is a popular one from Matthew, which tells us to keep our giving a secret. In this verse, the left hand represents our baser instincts of self-praise and self-promotion. The right hand represents the higher element in all of us—the part of us that seeks acts of true charity.

“True charity” is an act of kindness that doesn’t come from a place of selfishness but instead from a place of purer intentions. The Lord warns us against outward displays of our goodness and holiness, and He praises those who perform acts of charity without shouting them out to the public. In other words, the Lord is telling us that giving in “secret” is more praiseworthy than giving just to reap a reward.

Today, it can be difficult to keep our good deeds to ourselves. It’s tempting to publicize our acts of charity through viral internet videos or status updates praising ourselves for our good deeds. The competition to be a “better” Christian than our neighbors is exactly what the Lord warns us against in Matthew 6:3-4. This attitude doesn’t grant us favor in the eyes of the Lord, no matter how charitable we are.

Next time you give to a nonprofit like Food for the Hungry or perform a good deed, consider not telling anyone. Keep your donation completely anonymous. Don’t even tell your family. Reap the rewards of doing a truly selfless deed. Know that God sees everything you do, whether other people do or not. Your award won’t be here on Earth, but instead in Heaven.

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