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Being Salt to the World

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Matthew 5:13

As Christians, our lives are meant to enhance and provide meaning for our time on Earth. Before salvation, we can be likened to a piece of dirt or gain of sand. We were lost amongst countless others and did not have an effect on the things

around us. After rebirth, we are called salt of the earth because we change things for the better. Salt is highly versatile, another reason why we are compared to it. It is used for preservations of meats but also to give flavor and a new desire to use to all sorts of foods. Just as your steak or potato would be very bland and hard to eat without salt, so this world would be intolerable without the positive influence of Jesus and His followers. In this verse, Jesus talks about how useless salt would be without its flavor. It would be practically indistinguishable from sand and only good to be walked on. The analogy is clear: when we lose our passion and energy for Christ, we’re barely any different from how we were before we were saved. Today, think about how you can provide a positive impression for people you know or for the community. Can you minister to them by inviting them to church or perhaps by volunteering somewhere? As Christians, we bring zest to the world around us, a world that is often covered in darkness and despair. When we are energized through Christ, those around us can see it and joy is spread tenfold.

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