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Behind the Mask

Even in laughter, the heart may ache, and rejoicing may end in grief.

Proverbs 14:13

Have you ever known a Christian trouble doesn’t seem to touch? Someone who seems happy and optimistic all the time and who overflows with joy no matter the circumstances? Some Christians are given the spiritual gift of joy or faith. It is easy for them to trust that God will work everything out for their good and the good of others. However, never make the mistake of thinking a fellow believer doesn’t feel all the emotions you feel.

Some believers do, in fact, hide behind masks. For these people, joy doesn’t come from a spiritual gift. It’s manufactured, produced to keep others from knowing what’s truly going on inside. There are many reasons believers hide behind a mask of plastic happiness. Some do it because they were raised to cover emotion. Others hide because they assume not being happy or joyous means that they don’t have enough faith. They assume if they show sadness or anger, they will somehow let down God and He will be disappointed in them.

God wants to reassure us that we never have to put on an act. While joy is a fruit of the Spirit and evidence of faith, it should never be manufactured or used to cover real feelings. Let today’s verse give you permission to feel what you need to. If it is unsafe for you to express true emotions in one environment, get to one where you can as quickly as possible. Lean on friends and family who understand that even though your mouth is smiling, your heart may ache.

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