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Becoming Malleable in God's Hands

But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

Jeremiah 18:4

Most Christians know the analogy of God as the potter and ourselves as clay. It’s a popular one, because clay is such a moldable substance. If you’ve ever seen kids playing with Play-Doh, you know they can make it into almost anything. In their hands, a shapeless blob becomes something that captures their imagination and serves great purposes in pretend play.

Sometimes, though, clay becomes hard. When this happens, molding is difficult. Potters often deal with broken clay, which they must moisturize and re-shape into new vessels. Christians are similar. We don’t always let God mold us as He’d like. Sometimes, He allows tests to make us more moldable or even break us so He can start from scratch.

It’s important to remember that God takes no pleasure in allowing circumstances that break His people’s hearts. When we hurt, He hurts, and He comforts us. Some people say that God never wastes a hurt. If He allows something to re-shape you, it’s because He has a better plan than you can see right now. Sometimes you need to “re-moisturize,” soaking in His Word and character before refocusing on the tasks He gives you.

Finally, remember that you’re clay, not the potter. You don’t choose what kind of vessel you’ll be. God gives us talents and spiritual gifts that help determine this, but ultimately your destiny is His decision. If you’re having trouble trusting it, tell Him. Ask Him to make you malleable and teachable so your spirit can grow. He’ll make you a beautiful vessel.

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