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Be Utterly Amazed

Look at the nations and watch, and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5

Today’s verse comes from the book of Habakkuk, a minor prophet with a big problem. He wrote his book during one of the most chaotic times in Israel, when sin ran rampant and the wicked seemed to prosper, never being punished for their evil deeds. Naturally, Habakkuk turned to God and asked why this was happening. Did God ever intend to stop it? Would there be justice for Israel’s faithful? God’s answer not only gave Habakkuk hope, it can impart hope to us as well. Although He does not always exact justice the way we would like, He does enact it, and blesses those who obey Him. Writer Jennifer Rothschild puts it this way—God is not fair, as humans think of fairness. Yet He is perfectly just. If He allows something “unfair,” He does it because He can see the big picture. He knows how every event fits into His plan even when we do not. Today’s verse can also bring hope to people in situations that look hopeless. Maybe you were in remission from cancer or MS, but the disease has returned multiple times. Maybe you have a disability keeping you from getting a job or living the independent life you want. Perhaps you’re a woman longing for a baby, but have been unable to conceive for months or years. God doesn’t promise to answer our prayers or questions exactly as we want. However, He does promise we will be “amazed” at what He does—so amazed we wouldn’t believe it if we knew

ahead of time. Perhaps sinful people around you are prospering or your situation seems hopeless. Meditate on this verse, and thank God in advance for His amazing plans.

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