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Avoiding Complaining

The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “How long will this wicked community grumble against Me?”

Numbers 14:26-27a

Here, as in other Bible verses, God cautions His people against complaining. Yet, how easy is it to complain? If we aren’t careful, we can find ourselves grumbling and complaining about everything from our jobs to how our kids behave to the food we eat or the traffic we have to sit in. Over time, complaining can wear on

our nerves and annoy the people around us, pushing them away. It also

displeases God.

God will not “smite” you or punish you for complaining. Because of Jesus’

sacrifice, all sin, including this one, is covered. Complaining is still a sin, and

one to watch out for. Before you complain, think about whether what you are

saying is legitimate. That is, are you upset about something that would upset

God, such as the abuse of an innocent person or wanton destruction of the environment? Or are you instead upset at a temporary situation? If the latter is true, pray about it and make an effort to meditate on positive things instead.

Of course, everyday situations can get on our nerves, too. God doesn’t expect us never to voice what we don’t like. The key is in how we do it. For example, instead of snapping at your children for being too loud, find a place for them to burn their energy and be loud. Instead of griping about a coworker who is lazy, ask him or her if you can help with certain tasks. Whenever possible, turn your complaints into positive comments or find a workable solution for them.

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