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Anna's Patience

There was also a prophet, Anna. ... She never left the temple but worshipped night and day. ... Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. Luke 2:36a-38

Many times in the Bible, God says He has a purpose for everyone. Sometimes though, do you feel like He forgot yours? Anna may have felt that way. Luke tells us she was married for just seven years before her husband died, leaving her a widow for more than 80 years. At a time when the value of women was connected to marriage and children, Anna may have felt worthless. She may have wondered if God had “shelved” her. Despite this, we are told she worshipped God constantly, never even leaving the temple. Anna’s extraordinary patience and faithfulness was rewarded when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple. All that time praying, fasting and worshipping gave this prophetess plenty of time to talk to God about the coming Messiah who would deliver Israel. The Bible explains many people expected the Messiah to be an earthly king who would deliver them from the Romans. Perhaps Anna understood better than anyone else that the new kingdom would be spiritual, and this Messiah would deliver His people from sin, the enemy within. If Anna hadn’t been so diligent, she wouldn’t have been able to share her prophecies about Jesus with everyone when they needed them most. Perhaps you are in a situation similar to Anna’s. You see everyone fulfilling their purposes and wonder what yours is, or think you are somehow “less” because your purpose is not as glamorous or appreciated as others’. Take comfort from Anna today, and rejoice in the opportunity to learn at Jesus’ feet. You will be called on to share what you know, and when that happens, God will reward your patience and diligence.

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