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Angels Everywhere

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14

Most Christians are familiar with angels as a concept but aren’t sure how they fit into the Bible or their overall faith experience. Some denominations, such as Catholicism, emphasize the role of angels in Christians’ lives. Others glance over angels or ignore them altogether. Some Christians see angels as mystical beings and worry that acknowledging their work could turn into worship. The Bible does warn against worshipping angels or giving them more credit than they deserve. In fact, the Bible teaches Christians will judge angels in Heaven. However, we shouldn’t discount angels and the roles they can play in our lives. In today’s verse, angels are described as ministering spirits. Angels from God are created to watch over us and help draw us closer to Him. The Bible doesn’t have as much information on angels as we would like. Most Christians want to know more about angels, because there aren’t specifics in the Bible, or because they are struggling to understand God and find angels easier to comprehend. Wanting to know more about angels is fine, but always remember that Jesus is your intercessor. Although He may not reveal everything you want to know about God or Heaven, He can show you what you need to know when you need it most. Most of us like the idea of a guardian angel or a host of angels fighting for us when Satan deigns to attack. Today, thank God for creating angels and for what they do in your life, even when you cannot see it. At the same time, thank Him for sending you Jesus, an intercessor who sent those angels for you.

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