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Achieving Contentment

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Philippians 4:12b

Christians often talk about contentment, but no one seems to know exactly how to live it. Often, this is because most people don’t know what real contentment means. Does it mean never trying to better our lives? Does it mean accepting abuse or other untenable circumstances? Does it mean never having or expressing an opinion?

The answer to all these questions should be “no.” Jesus wants His followers to be kind, gentle and patient, yet He never meant we should be doormats. If there are ways to escape abuse or other dangerous situations, take them. If you have the opportunity to further your education, get a better job through moving or have another child, you’re free to take that, too. Reaching out for more or better doesn’t mean you lack contentment.

Real discontent comes from finding negative aspects of every situation no matter how good it is. It comes from putting people down instead of building them up, and focusing so much on bettering yourself or your situation that you lose sight of what God has for you right now. True discontent is rooted in your attitude, not your desires themselves.

As one pastor said, the tent of discontent isn’t a pleasant place to live, and you’ll know if you’re living there. You’ll catch yourself complaining about everything, being unusually short-tempered or withdrawing from people and activities you love. If these symptoms are severe, a pastor or Christian counselor can help. Here are a few other ways to practice daily contentment:

  • Write down at least one thing each day that makes you feel gratitude.

  • Give your time and resources to others; it shows you how much you have.

  • Do enjoyable activities to increase your positive attitude.

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