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Abundant Life

 have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10

Some translations render this verse as, “I have come that they may have life ... more abundantly.” However, what does it mean to live an abundant life? Some people assume it means a prosperous life on Earth, filled with money, possessions and security. Others think today’s verse talks only about the promises of life in Heaven for believers.

Actually, both interpretations are flawed. God never promised we’d have easy, secure lives all the time. In reality, the Bible talks often about suffering—

especially for Christians. Yet, neither did God say our lives would be miserable outside of Heaven. An abundant life lived God’s way is one that honors Him. Any believer can have an abundant life; it’s there for the asking.

Perhaps you’d like your life to be abundant but aren’t sure how to make it happen. Consider why your life doesn’t feel abundant. It may be because of a physical need, such as a financial problem or the need to lose or gain weight. You might have an emotional struggle, like an estranged family member.

You can change some of these things over time, while you must leave other things entirely in God’s hands. Either way, you should pray diligently about them. If the obstacle keeping you from abundance is something you can change, work on it. For instance, consider going back to school if a lack of education keeps you from a job you want. If you can’t change the situation, ask God for an extra measure of strength, gratefulness and joy. He will show you where abundance already exists and how to make it grow.

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