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A Time of Sifting

Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.

Luke 22:31-32

These verses are probably familiar. They take place during the Last Supper, when Jesus warns Peter of his impending denial. When most Christians read them, they focus on how Peter must have felt upon hearing this news. Yet, most of us skim over an important part of this story—that Satan had asked to sift Peter, and Jesus had already prayed for this precious disciple.

Sometimes, Satan will want to sift us as He did Peter. There are several reasons for a metaphorical sifting. It might happen because you’ve been sinning habitually and God wants to bring you back into a right relationship. It may be that God will use a sifting time to help you grow and prepare you for a new assignment in Him. Sometimes, sifting happens because Satan sees you as a threat to his work.

No matter what the reason, take heart in knowing that Jesus is never surprised. He never allows Satan to do anything He didn’t approve first, and He will never let Satan harm you beyond what you can bear. Be encouraged, also, because Jesus prays for you when sifting time comes. He wants you to triumph, and in His strength, you will. If you sense sifting is coming or that you are already in the midst of it, ask Him to show it to you. Then ask for more of Jesus’ prayers. When Jesus prays, all the saints and angels in Heaven join Him. You have a huge crowd of supporters on your side.

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