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A Throne Built From Grace

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

What do you picture when you hear the word “throne”? Of course, you see a grand chair, but, in your mind’s eye, what is it made out of? The oldest throne room that we have discovered comes from Turkey. It was made of adobe, which is a building material created from mixing earth and organic material.

Throughout history, man has used a variety of other elements to build these grand seats. Wood was common for centuries, often covered in gold leaf and cushioned with velvet and jewels. As technology advanced, skilled blacksmiths carved thrones out of metal. They were intricately forged and heavy and made to withstand the test of time and to show the grandeur of the leader who sat on it.

Even the most beautiful of man’s creations, however, cannot compare to the throne that is in Heaven. We do not know for certain what it looks like, only that the scene is more incredible than anything we can comprehend. But the throne itself... what is it made of?

Until we join the Lord in Heaven, we won’t know for sure. What we do know, however, is that regardless of the physical material, the throne of God is made of grace. It is carved from love, justice and righteousness like our world has never seen. It is nothing but holy, nothing but pure and powerful. And thanks to the generous Lord who sits upon it, we Christians will get to experience it one day.

Today, remember that even the least glorious of God’s possessions is better than the greatest of this world. However blessed you are now, it’s merely a sample of what’s to come.

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