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A Personal Solar System

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Our solar system is dependent on the sun. Because of the sun’s gravity, the planets stay in orbit, circling around it dutifully without wavering. The sun also provides the light and heat we need to sustain life. There is a very specific order of the planets, but the sun will never move from the center. Likewise, our personal solar system must put God as the center and the sun. In our spiritual version of the solar system, the planets can be compared to different aspects of our lives. One planet could be how we use our time. Other planets might symbolize relationships and spending habits. After all, it’s often said that the way people distribute their money shows their priorities, at least in part. Of course there are necessities to pay for, but in principle it is fairly accurate. Though God wants us to enjoy our time on Earth, it’s important to remember that we cannot take our houses or cars or jewelry with us. Too much care for material elements will merely skew your priorities. A life after salvation is a life that has been wholly dedicated to Jesus and ministering to others. Clinging to the ways of the world will upset the balance of your life. Today, examine the way your solar system is set up. Are your ‘planets’ orbiting dutifully around God, as they should? Or are they breaking paths and forming clusters within themselves? If you find there are some organizational issues, take the time to pray for guidance and assistance getting them back on track.

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