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A Parent's Faith

John 4:46-53

We cannot do it alone. People with disabilities and others who suffer understand better than most that dependence on God and others is essential. Whether it’s a common physical task or being sustained in times of severe difficulty, we need help.

In this passage, a government official approached Jesus and asked him to heal his son. The official must have been desperate. Although he had slaves who were available to do such tasks, he went himself—his son was too important for him to send someone else. The official asked Jesus for help, and Jesus stated that his son would be healed. The man believed and soon discovered that his faith was not misplaced.

This story highlights how the belief and actions of caregivers (many of whom are parents) are essential to sustaining the quality of life for those in need. Often their work goes on behind the scenes, unrecognized. However, for many of us, our very survival is dependent on them.

We also see that God’s work in our lives often comes through the ministry of caregivers. This truth can sometimes be easier for suffering people to see because their needs are so evident. Without the help of his father, the boy in this narrative likely would have died. But it can also be easy to feel bad about our circumstances and view our caregivers as a constant reminder of our dependence on others. We do not like to be reminded of our weakness. Nevertheless, whether we acknowledge it or not, we all need God and other people.

This is an excerpt from: Beyond: Beyond Suffering Bible

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