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A Miracle Birth

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about...

Matthew 1:18

It’s always hard to sleep when something big is coming the next day, isn’t it? Our minds wind up with excitement and end up spreading tension throughout our entire bodies. We toss and turn and usually don’t get any rest at all. But even the biggest events of this world are still entirely insignificant in comparison to what God can do. Can you imagine the excitement that must have been flowing through Heaven the day before Christ was born?

Angels must have been chattering amongst themselves happily, perhaps leaning to get a view of Mary and Joseph’s journey. The Father and Holy Spirit were probably busy finishing the final preparations, like ensuring that there would be room in the stable. The mansions and streets of gold must have been electrified with anticipation for this special birth.

Jesus was conceived unlike anyone before or since. He was created as the Son of God, but also the Son of Man. His mother, Mary, was a virgin at the time of His birth. She was like a young lamb, pure and innocent of the sins of the world. Because of this, she could give birth to a divine child... one who was human enough to pay for the sins of mankind yet holy enough to rise from the dead. This incredible orchestration was God’s most wonderful gift to us.

On this Christmas Eve, give praise! Tomorrow marks the day when our Savior was born and the course of the entire world was changed forever.

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