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A Labor of Love

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:6-9

Labor Day is a holiday designed to celebrate a time when people came together to make working environments better for all. We use this occasion to take a break from our toil and appreciate everything we have earned through it. One thing we cannot earn just so happens to be the greatest gift this life has to offer: Salvation. The privilege of going to Heaven is not something people can earn on their own. It doesn’t matter how many good works you’ve completed or what the church thinks of you. The price of our sins is death. It always has been, and it always will be. Jesus sacrificing His perfect life is the only thing that could leverage such a heavy sentence. We do not, and cannot, deserve grace—yet we can gain it. It is good to honor the workers of our country. Through our struggles to make a living, we face a lot of challenges. But we should also take the opportunity to give Jesus the recognition He deserves. Can you imagine trying to redeem yourself for all of your transgressions without His sacrifice? Each slip of the tongue or hateful thought would have to be accounted for. Frankly, it would be impossible, no matter how dedicated of a worker you are, to deserve salvation. Today, remember that we serve a greater purpose than ourselves. This means that the things we’re working toward pale in comparison to the King of the Universe. Give appreciation to the nation’s people (including yourself), but save the

glory for God.

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