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A Home Made of Rock

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2

When you’re preparing to build a home, the most important thing is having a proper location. The ground cannot be too soft or your dwelling will sink into the ground. If there is too much water, you’ll have issues with mold and other damage. Without the right foundation, you might not even be able to build a house. Even if you do manage to construct it, it’s very likely to fail and crumble. Building up your life is the same way. You must have a strong, dependable base through Jesus Christ or you simply put yourself at risk for failure down the road. To create this base, it’s vital you have an intimate and evolving relationship with God. It’s not enough to pray occasionally or only during times in trouble. You must develop closeness. Once your foundation is established through your personal connection with the Lord, it’s important to also build your walls correctly. You must do more than simply pray. As Christians, we should always want to see others enter the Kingdom of God. Live for Him with your actions as well as your words and you’ll be able to demonstrate the true definition of love and what it means to be a Christian. With a reliable foundation and walls, the roof is included. We’re always covered by grace, no matter which mistakes we make in our lives. That means everything you have inside is kept safe and dry. Today, take a look at the spiritual house you inhabit. Is it made to last, or are some renovations due?

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