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A Finished Work

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30

There’s something satisfying about completing a project, isn’t there? We get to wrap up our hard work and take a look at our finished accomplishment. Usually there’s a weight lifted from our shoulders too. Depending on the size of our task, sometimes we even use the opportunity to celebrate. However, the most important project that the world has faced has already been completed.

As Jesus hung suffering on the cross, He told us that His work was done. Those words were the last to leave His lips before He died for our sins. You see, His entire life was a project. He had to grow up from a young boy, face temptations and live an entire life without sin. The hardest part of His assignment, however, came at the end. He was betrayed by His own followers before being tortured and left to die. He fought against the grip of death, but ultimately, He knew that His purpose had been served and so released His spirit so that His flesh could die.

The completion of his work is the single most important thing in our lives. Without it, we would not be eligible for eternal life. However, that doesn’t mean that all projects are meant to be finished. God’s work in our hearts is something that never ceases. He must purify and guide us every single day as the tarnish of the world tries to take hold of our minds. Since this work is never done, Jesus will never cease building us up and refining our spirit.

Today, give thanks to God for all our projects. Rejoice in the finished ones, like Jesus’ sacrifice, but also those assignments that take constant care. Know that the Lord will never leave a project undone, and so never forsake a child of His.

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