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A Discerning Heart

So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?

1 Kings 3:9

Solomon went down in history as the earth’s wisest king. Whether or not they are from the Judeo-Christian tradition, most people can cite examples of Solomon’s wisdom, such as when he decided between two women claiming to be the same baby’s mother. It’s important to remember, Solomon did not get his wisdom from being naturally smart or studying hard. His wisdom is directly from God.

Solomon’s request pleased the Lord, as all requests for wisdom do. Wisdom isn’t a fruit of the Spirit, but it is part of God’s will for us as believers. In Matthew, Jesus says believers should be “wise as serpents [and] harmless as doves,” indicating

He wants us to be able to judge right and wrong with His guidance. All Christians obtain greater wisdom as they grow spiritually. Some Christians have the spiritual gift of discernment, which lets them distinguish “spirits,” or the true motives

of people.

Even if you do not have the gift of discernment, you can and should seek greater wisdom. Reading the Bible is a great way to start. Any time a moral or ethical question arises, look to see what the Bible says about it. If the Bible does not give a direct answer, pray, asking for the ability to distinguish what you should do.

You can gain wisdom from many other sources as well, but be careful which ones you choose. For example, you might be a science teacher required to teach your students about evolution. Read up on both evolution and creation, seeking discerning authors who represent both sides of the equation fairly. No matter what dilemmas you face, always seek to be wise in handling them.

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