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A Chance to Become New

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the

new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Imagine that you’re sketching out a picture using a pen. You’ve not been working long when you make a mistake and leave an unsightly black mark across the page. You could write over it and try to hide the error, but there is no way to remove the ink. Instead of working around it, you simply crumple up the page and start over. Sometimes, we could use a fresh start in life, too. A perfect example of this new beginning is when we become saved through Jesus Christ. We are made fresh and new, with all our past transgressions behind us. He takes out the impurities and places the Holy Spirit within us so we will always have the presence of God. Each of us has a chance to begin a brand new life with divine purposes, instead of merely drifting through a lost and sinful world. Even if you’re already a Christian, Jesus is always ready to provide renewal. Our flesh remains tainted, although our spirits are cleansed. There are still daily battles against temptations and other impure thoughts. It can be easy for us to slip and fall. Fortunately, God is there for us no matter what our past deeds include. No acts of man can gain entry to Heaven, and none can take away our salvation. The Lord sustains and refreshes us, so long as we believe. Today, ask yourself if you could use another clean page. If you’ve fallen short of the glory of God, let that fact stay behind you and focus on making this day a new beginning, where your first pursuit is a relationship with Christ.

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